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Smart Healthy Toxic-Free and Organic/Green Living
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How to maintain a healthy liverViews: 426
Mar 15, 2007 3:32 pmHow to maintain a healthy liver#

Mirdza Hayden
The liver is an amazing organ that monitors all the blood and chemicals. As we know it today, the liver has well over 500 known functions and is believed to have well over 2500 functions. Here is a partial list of the things the liver does:

•It filters the blood;
•Purifies and clears waste products, toxins and drugs;
•Regulates and secretes substances that are important in maintaining your body’s functions and health;
•Restores important nutrients like glycogen (glucose), vitamins and minerals;
•Metabolizes fats, proteins and carbohydrates.

If the liver is damaged or filled with toxins, it affects every other function and system in our body. Therefore, I am sure you will agree that it is very important to keep our liver in tip-top shape. Here are some ways to do that.

First of all, make sure you cleanse and detoxify your liver. There are many methods on the market that can help you with that. I personally use the Watkins Cleanse/Restore since it is easy, gently on my stomach, and inexpensive, but there are also other programs to use. Young Living has a great detox program as well, as does Isagenix. Check around, do your homework, and make sure you choose something that is safe and effective. Fasting is also a good way to detoxify the liver – a three-day water and juice fast is useful and not long enough to cause any real discomfort.

After detoxifying, maintain your liver in good condition by leading a healthy lifestyle:

•Drink lots of filtered water
•Don’t drink lots of alcohol and don’t smoke
•Eat a low-fat, well-balanced diet
•Eat slowly and at regular hours
•Eat a light dinner and eat it early. Don’t eat anything heavy after 6:00 or 7:00 p.m.
•If you are over-weight, lose the excess pounds. If you are a good weight already, stay fit. (To see my Fitness Solutions program, which I use, please go to by website at http://www.Mirdza.ws)
•Do not drink more that 2-3 cups of coffee or caffeinated tea per day
•Get enough sleep
•Exercise on a daily basis
•Take in lots of antioxidant-filled foods and supplements like wolfberries (I highly recommend the NingXia Red drink and many other supplements from Young Living), acai berries, green tea (I recommend the HerbaSway brand since it is decaffeinated), blueberries, and grape seed capsules (I recommend Provex, from Melaleuca.) Cooking with Grape seed oil is also very beneficial for you liver and overall health.
•Use homecare and personal care products that are not filled with toxic chemicals.

Keeping your liver in excellent shape is very important to ensure good health. Make sure you detoxify it once or twice a year and follow the tips mentioned above.

Mirdza Hayden - Helping People Lead Healthier Lives

Private Reply to Mirdza Hayden

Feb 26, 2011 3:27 amre: How to maintain a healthy liver#

Connie Clark

Hi Mirzda, please continue to post your great information to this wonderful group of people who believe that Smart Healthy Toxic-Free and Organic/Green Living is significant and important to their lives.

I would encourage all of you to post your information as well.  It takes all of us to make a network group work well.

Thanks much.


Private Reply to Connie Clark

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