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Smart Healthy Toxic-Free and Organic/Green Living
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How to prevent diseasesViews: 444
Mar 13, 2007 2:03 pmHow to prevent diseases#

Mirdza Hayden

I don't think anyone is out to get cancer, heart disease, diabetes, alzheimer's, etc, etc. However, many live as if they are. Perhaps they don't know that they can prevent many of these diseases with the lifestyle choices they make, or maybe they just think it's too hard to change their lifestyle... afterall, that is the way they have lived all their life!

Well, that is why it is important to teach kids early on the importance of eating healthy, not becoming sugar-addicts, making exercise a priority and using products that are not filled with chemicals, toxins and carcinogens. We will only succeed in teaching them these values, though, if we ourselves have adopted these lifestyle changes. If we don't start living healthy for our own sake, let's at least start leading healthier lives for our kids' and grandkids' sake! We want them to be healthy - we don't want to see them get cancer, tons of problems that come with obesity, high blood pressure, heart diesease, etc. We want them to be always healthy and pain-free, don't we? Let's teach them by word an example the importance of adopting a healthier lifestyle in order to prevent all these diseases and health problems.

Here are some tips to do so:

1. Always have a variety of fruits and veggies available.

2. Don't make dessert a priority.

3. Don't have cookies, chips, donuts and other pastries readily available all the time. Make them treats they can have every once in a while.

4. Encourage your kids to go out and play. Play with them - go to the park, take a stroll around a lake or around the block, go biking with them.... Kids love to spend time with their parents and grandparents. They LOVE to play with them. Watch your kid's face next time you play with them - they really light up!

5. Buy them shampoos, toothpastes and soaps that are not filled with toxins. Make it fun! Melaleuca has a line of products called "Koala Pals" and my son absolutely loves them. He always wants me to buy him Koala Pals products. The Young Living line is also wonderful - they are all made with natural ingredients.

6. Use only detergents and cleaning products that are safe for you and the environment. Make sure you KNOW for a fact that these products have NO toxins and carcinogens in them.

7. Use Blue Agave instead of sugar. It is very sweet and very safe. It is a natural sweetner taken from the agave cactus in Mexico and is definitely my sweetener of choice. It has a low-glycemic level and works wonderful in everything I make. It is much better for you and your kids then all that refined sugar and artificial sweeteners.

8. Always have plenty of filtered water around. Put a filter in your house so that you can fill a pitcher of it and put it in your fridge so kids can have it anytime they are thirsty and are looking for something cold to drink. It takes time to get them used to drinking just water, but keep encouraging them to do so.

9. Make sure all of you eat a healthy breakfast every morning. Just like a car can’t run if it doesn’t have gas, so our bodies don’t give us the energy that we need to go if we don’t fuel up with a healthy breakfast.

Enjoy living healthy! Be a model to your kids and grandkids so they also learn to live healthy and can prevent diseases and other health problems.

Mirdza Hayden
Helping People Lead Healthier Lives

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mirdza_Hayden

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