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Smart Healthy Toxic-Free and Organic/Green Living
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Eliminate Harmful Exhaust Emissions, Increase Mileage and Save Fuel Costs!!!Views: 217
Mar 24, 2006 5:16 pmEliminate Harmful Exhaust Emissions, Increase Mileage and Save Fuel Costs!!!#

Connie Clark

MPG-CAPS Your Remedy for High Fuel Costs and a Cleaner Engine!

I am sharing with everyone I can about how they can get 20% better mileage than they are currently getting! The product is called MPG-CAPS. MPG-CAPS comes in a pill form, which is dropped into your gas tank before you fill it up!

How do they work?

The MPG-CAPS isolates the sulfur molecules and other impurities found in fossil fuels, preventing the formation of sludge, varnish and acids that are harmful to fuel systems and engines. The MPG-CAPS have had Tests Conducted and Registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Facilities and have already been in use for more than thirty years by several municipalities, other government agencies and many commercial firms.

So what's it made out of?

The ingredients in the MPG-CAPS Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Tablet break the fuel down to its molecular level so that it is presented to the combustion chamber in a much finer mist. This creates a more efficient Burn which Increases Power, increases mileage, saves money and nearly eliminates all harmful exhaust emissions

Fuel Freedom International (FFI)
For any and all inquiries, questions and information on how to order, become a distributor or facts on this product, contact Connie Clark (303)770-3180, email: optforsuccess@msn.com


Private Reply to Connie Clark

Mar 24, 2006 9:08 pmre: Eliminate Harmful Exhaust Emissions, Increase Mileage and Save Fuel Costs!!!#

Rose Davidson
>Great product isn't it! We just got ours a few weeks ago >and already notice a difference in our gas mileage. >Rose Davidson >************************ >Concerned about toxins in your home? >http://adtrackpro.net/t.php?l=1100 > Connie Clark wrote: >
>MPG-CAPS Your Remedy for High Fuel Costs and a Cleaner Engine! >

>I am sharing with everyone I can about how they can get 20% better mileage than they are currently getting! The product is called MPG-CAPS. MPG-CAPS comes in a pill form, which is dropped into your gas tank before you fill it up! >

> >How do they work?
>The MPG-CAPS isolates the sulfur molecules and other impurities found in fossil fuels, preventing the formation of sludge, varnish and acids that are harmful to fuel systems and engines. The MPG-CAPS have had Tests Conducted and Registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Test Facilities and have already been in use for more than thirty years by several municipalities, other government agencies and many commercial firms. >

>So what's it made out of?
>The ingredients in the MPG-CAPS Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Tablet break the fuel down to its molecular level so that it is presented to the combustion chamber in a much finer mist. This creates a more efficient Burn which Increases Power, increases mileage, saves money and nearly eliminates all harmful exhaust emissions >

>Fuel Freedom International (FFI)
>For any and all inquiries, questions and information on how to order, become a distributor or facts on this product, contact Connie Clark (303)770-3180, email: optforsuccess@msn.com >

>http://www.RevItUp.myffi.biz >

Private Reply to Rose Davidson

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