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What makes Aloe Vera So Effective for Health?Views: 419
Apr 28, 2010 12:10 amWhat makes Aloe Vera So Effective for Health?#

Connie Clark

Aloe Vera, the Miracle Plant …Aloe Vera is one of the most versatile plants in the world …even with all the notable factors of other healing plants. The Aloe Vera plant is not exclusive in it’s nature for healing powers …there are many other plants that are used for healing purposes, as well, like: Noni, Eucalyptus, Yucca, Evening primrose, Madagascar periwinkle, Grape seed, Grape skin and many others.

Aloe Vera rises to the top of the list when it comes to a very complete chemistry composition. Aloe Vera contains 21 key vitamins and minerals and it also possesses all 22 amino acids plus ligin, saponins, a long list of anthraguinones and an effective amount of complex enzymes.

This unique composition of nutrients enjoys the presence of its active component… called polysaccharides, which trigger Aloe’s extensive enzymatic activity. Polysaccharides are plant sugars that play an important part of it’s complex activity.

One of the most important health factors is that Aloe Vera has no toxicology levels. When given to animals in large doses, there have been absolutely no amounts of toxicity …leaving no animal either harmed, ill, or dying.

Aloe Vera finds where it is needed and goes to work building your body’s own immune system. This process is notable when working with the malfunction of various body systems …which happens when the immune system malfunctions. Aloe Vera helps the communication of the systems to get back in balance …the process of phagocytosis.

Simply said …history has proven that Aloe Vera has a synergy factor second to none. And with all of the… on going science …Aloe Vera still remains a mystery. That’s why we call it the “Miracle Plant.” Now, isn’t Aloe Vera something worth adding to your diet?

Just by adding two to four ounces of Organic Aloe Vera Juice to you’re diet everyday…it will benefit the immune system and synergize the healing process.

But remember, know your supplier!! The best Aloe Vera that I’ve found if through Healthy Systems:
Healthy Systems Nutritionals
“100 % Organic Aloe Vera Juice” Guaranteed
“Best Tasting Aloe Vera Juice”
with four unique flavors:
1) Mango-Papaya (my favorite)
2) Cran-Grape
3) Strawberry-Kiwi
4) Natural

Certified Organic
Here is some basic information about their unique, organic, and US patented Aloe Vera.

There are over 240 species of Aloe Vera, growing mainly in the dry regions of Africa, Asia, Europe and America. Although Aloe Vera is a member of the Lily family, it is very cactus-like in appearance.

Of the 240 species, four are recognized as having nutritional value, with barbadensis miller leading the group. Barbadensis is the type of Aloe Vera used in most commercial products available today.

The gel contains over 75 nutrients and 200 active compounds, including 20 minerals, 18 amino acids and 12 vitamins. A high quality product, which uses only the nutritious inner gel …not the outer rind …the rind of the leaf, is one of the most nutritious drinks and best skincare products, available.

Aloe Vera is proven to increase new cell growth three fold and promotes rapid wound healing after skin resurfacing treatments using chemical and mechanical procedures.

Aloe Vera is effective in treating a variety of dermatological conditions and diseases of the skin. Aloe Vera penetrates deeply without the aid of “heat.”

Aloe Vera relieves pain, swelling and tightness associated with strains, sprains and burses while reducing inflammation in muscles, tendons (tendonitis) and joints (bursitis).

Aloe Vera relieves itching and skin irritations resulting from many causes. It also promotes healing of chemical burns, minor sunburns, razor burns, floor burns and mat burns.

Taken internally, Aloe Vera acts as an aid in digestion, inflammation problems and combats yeast infections.

You really can’t go wrong with this great Aloe Vera and it is affordable by most people. Try it out and see by visiting Healthy Systems Nutritionals.

To your very best Health!

Connie Clark

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