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Smart Healthy Toxic-Free and Organic/Green Living
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Aging Skin – Get Rid of the Toxins!Views: 369
Nov 16, 2009 9:16 pmAging Skin – Get Rid of the Toxins!#

Connie Clark

November 16th, 2009

Are you using these toxic substances on your skin?

Most skin care products are loaded with toxic ingredients that can cause everything from mild irritation to cancer! Here are the eight most common ones you could accidentally be slathering on your skin:

Mineral oil – A petroleum derivative. Because it causes toxins to build up in the skin, it can accelerate the aging process.

Petrolatum (petroleum jelly) — The most familiar petroleum derivative. Prevents skin from being able to breath, traps toxins inside the skin’s layers.

Sodium laurel (or lauryl or laureth) sulfate — An industrial detergent that strips skin of its moisture barrier and has been linked to eye damage — among many other harmful things.

Propylene glycol — The main active ingredient in anti-freeze and brake fluid. It breaks down cell structure and has been linked to kidney damage as well as liver and brain problems.

Parabens — Highly toxic preservatives used to extend product shelf life.

Talc (talcum powder) — Shown to cause cancer in lab animals. It creates acute respiratory distress if inhaled and has been linked to ovarian cancer.

Fragrance — Can contain thousands of potentially toxic ingredients! It is the most common cause of allergies and reactions to skin care products.

FD&C Colors — Usually made from coal tar. They are often used in skin care products, and some are considered carcinogenic (cancer-causing).

Pay close attention to ingredients and avoid these mentioned above at all costs. Check into natural healthy types of skin care and cosmetics. Be sure to check their ingredients before using them.

And eliminate toxins from your body in the best way that I know will actually work by taking MaxGXL and Max-n-Fuze. Max International is the a company of the highest integrity and it is committed to bringing only the best “breakthrough” and safest products possible to the public. Subscribe to this health blog and get the full information on what makes this company have such an excellent reputation as an “A” company!!! You will receive a 30 page ebook of vital information for choosing a company with excellent products.

If you are familiar with Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the Chicken Soup for the Soul series, you should know that he suffered from heavy metal toxicity and he completely eradicated his heavy metal toxicity by utilizing the above products to aid his body in healing itself* from these toxins.

To your best health and life!!!

Connie Clark

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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