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Smart Healthy Toxic-Free and Organic/Green Living [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Additional Info....Views: 158
Apr 30, 2006 9:49 pm Additional Info....

Connie Clark

Official Statement on MPG-Cap™

There appears to be quite a lot of confusion about the FFI MPG-CAPS and the technology behind them, and also the facts about other so called Fuel Additives marketed and sold here in the U.S. marketplace.

Lets start of by saying that the majority of fuel additives, treatments, conditioners etc marketed and sold in the U.S. are merely detergents that serve to clean the fuel system but do nothing to the combustion characteristics of fuel, or more importantly to the combustion chamber itself, and this is exactly what separates our products from all others, and where our technology and products are formulated to perform!

Think of our products as fuel “supplements”, these supplements carry the active compounds into the combustion chamber where they are “activated” to perform the process they were engineered to create; the burning of fuel more cleanly and quickly.

The many claims that our competitors make about improving fuel combustion are simply false. With modern fuels, the combustion rate is 99.5%, so just how much of a gain would anyone expect to get with these competitive products?

When we created the technology used in the MPG-CAPS, we took a long careful scientific approach to the situation.

We know the dynamics of combustion vary depending on pressures, temperatures, ignition techniques, vaporization, and chemical characteristics of the fuel.

We know that fuels are efficient to a point of 99.5 %. So how can we improve on this? Simply, we addressed the state of the combustion chamber itself, and the relationship therein of the fuel and how it is “processed”.

What we have developed is a method of providing a catalytic coating in the combustion chamber. This catalytic coating provides infinite nano-phase surface area for the catalyst to deposit on. This catalytic coating causes a catalytic reaction to occur in its presence.

So now we utilize the fuel to carry the MPG-Cap™, in its dissolved state, to the combustion chamber where the heat of combustion activates the chemical compound and creates a very thin coating on the metal surfaces of the internal components of the combustion chamber.

What this catalyst does, for our purposes, is to cause a change in what is called the “in-cylinder rate shaping” of the combustion. This in turn provides for a 30% increase in pressure on the down stroke of the piston in a time frame slightly altered from a non-catalyzed state. This results in the improved performance.

So we have a technology that is proven, does not alter fuel, contains no detergents or cleansing agents, is totally unique from all other products sold, and provides the most valued result of all: an increase in fuel economy.


And it is so valuable to our Environment for safety and super less emissions problems. Check it out for yourself. I would be pleased to send you 5 caplets to try out, so just private message me if you are interested in helping with our environment and saving money on your fuel costs.


Private Reply to Connie Clark (new win)

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