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Smart Healthy Toxic-Free and Organic/Green Living [This Network is not currently active and cannot accept new posts] | | Topics
Dangers in our FoodViews: 98
Mar 08, 2006 8:34 pm Dangers in our Food

Renee Suchy
Have you all called in to oppose the National Uniformity for Food Act? (This bill can affect the availability of raw milk products.)

The House of Representatives will vote this week on a controversial "national food uniformity" labeling law that will take away local government and states' power to require food safety food labels such as those
required in California and other states on foods or beverages that are likely to cause cancer, birth defects, allergic reactions, or mercury poisoning. This bill would also prevent citizens in local municipalities and states from passing laws requiring that genetically engineered
foods and ingredients such as Monsanto's recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (rBGH) be labeled.



Opposing this bill is vital to our knowing what dangerous agents are in the foods we buy. Please call your Representative before they vote on this Wednesday.

From the ‘Opinion’ column in the March 2006 issue of ACRES U.S.A. –

With permission:

The Beast Comes Forward

Before cattlemen line up like sheep and buy into the animal identification scheme being unloaded by USDA, all should pause to discern the real scheme afloat. The talking heads say “disease control” - they want to track down the individual responsible for retailing an offending organism in the event of an epizootic.
That’s the scheme – and its codicil called depopulation – what Truman used to call a red herring. This will be explained in the penultimate paragraph of this editorial.
The real issue is analogous to a minor controversy in Kansas City. The Sports Authority wants to put a sliding roof over the football stadium so that by 2020 the facility might capture the Super Bowl, and Kansas City Chiefs owner Lamar Hunt might grow his $62 million annual income from the team still more, at the taxpayer’s expense.
The stadium controversy has prompted this editorial chair to suggest a stationary roof and sliding bleachers. Why not, as long as we’re talking nonsense?
The point of this yarn is money. The point of the ID scheme is money. Disease control is the spin. The farmer is the victim.
With the aid of computers, trade lackeys want to know to the last few pounds the next protein inventory on pasture and in feedlots. With the touch of a button they will know how much of a squeeze to put on R-CALF, independent growers, backgrounders, and most of all that 80 to 85 percent of the cow-calf producers with 25 to 30 head of animals.
Oppressive measures work hand in hand with the accumulation of power. Power has now arrived at the top in the United States, meaning those who control industry and trade. The commodity exchanger will know exactly the supply and effective demand. This means the sheep called people who play the computerized commodity crap game will be trimmed and rudely dismissed.
The USDA-backed ID scheme was to be voluntary. Now it is voluntary no more. States, forever panhandling the government, are getting into the fray with even tougher laws, this to express fealty to the illegitimacy now debilitating the last of America’s most valued freedoms.
As these lines are set down, Texas proposes a draconian measure designed to validate pseudoscience. The last date for comment and legal hell-raising rejection was early February.
The legislation proposed and available to be copied by other states is presented here in abstract form.
Texans are to be fined $1000 a day for not registering when they own any animal whatsoever – Cow, bull, horse, goat, llama, any poultry (turkeys, chickens, ostriches, emus, etc.). Even the house canary is covered. Add the pet dog.
Registration is $10 a year, this for as long as the animal is owned. The family rooster and a 25 - bird flock is treated the same as a rancher with 500 steers.
The identity numbers are assigned by the National Numbering System. The system contains 15 digits. The first three digits are the country code, 840 for the United States. The remaining numbers tell the managers of everyone’s private affairs what Iowa Beef, Monsanto, Cargill and the rest need to know. Radio frequency equipment- paid for by fees and taxes of the victims – will read the code.
The program, which only a few months ago was voluntary and slated for 2008, is now leaping forward while the victims sleep. Our editorial “The Mark of the Beast” (December 2005) implied that farmers could come together on the issue in time to upset the 2008 target date. This no longer appears to be possible. The time for action is now.
The health canard has been worked to death. The way it stands, a contaminated hamburger will now be traced back to a grower who sold to a feedlot, where fecal dust installed a disease problem. But it is the primary producer who will find his small herd depopulated.
The concept of disease transmission, now holy writ at USDA, belongs in the Stone Age. Debilitated, undernourished animals, animals fed according to “settled science” of the universities, invite transmission. Animals with a healthy body terrain can walk into and out of Mad Cow pens with no chance of taking on the disease, which in any case has no settled etiology. Infectious brucellosis abortus – about as infectious as the stomachache, Dr. Albrecht said – merely denotes an absence or marked imbalance of magnesium, manganese, cobalt, copper, zinc and iodine. Yet, Stone Age style, the treatment of choice is depopulation and so-called eradication of the agent.
You may copy this editorial, reproduce it, hand it out as a flyer, adding our blessing and identifying the logo.

In Healthy and Prosperity,
Renee Suchy

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